Tuesday, 10 March 2009

APERN BULLETIN Tuesday 10th March, 2009

Hi Our Wonderful and Fantastic Team.
It’s been over a month since Black Saturday 7th February, 2009.
All but a few sites have closed down. Life for the volunteers is getting back to normal and the emergency situations have all but gone.
Angela Anderson.
Hands on Health would like to organise a get together and thank you event. Nothing too outrageous. It would be good if we can all see each other swap stories and see for ourselves how big we really were/ are.

Could any persons interested in assisting to co ordinate the function please let Vesna or Rickie know.

0402 733 443

So far we have a few helpers listed below but as we all know many hands make light work. Even a small job shared is valuable.

Ivan Peterson Venue
Dein V entertainment
Rickie Food & Drinks

We would like to stage this event within the next month. By end of April 09.

We are also asking volunteers to help to create a wish list for future emergency responses.

Wish List

Rickie Communication Education Funding
Dein strengthening the network of goodwill long-term help

Tuesday communications system. agreed protocols uniforms and ID

APERN. Committee meeting scheduled Friday 13th pm. Teleconference

A telephone conference would cut down on time and travel. Meeting minutes will be compiled by Emma and emailed to the committee distribution group when complete.

Database Update

Liz Lewis is updating the database regularly. To assist her, coordinators could kindly forward any new volunteer contact details to : apern09@yahoo.com.au , leogregor@gmail.com
Leo is the web master for the therapistunite blog.
Please, assist Leo with your stories.

Location Update:

Whittlesea. CLOSED

Contact details: Rickie Nuske: 0409 953 950 apern09@yahoo.com.au
This site is closed. Thanks to all volunteers that gave their time and energy to APERN it was greatly appreciated. Leo would love your comments.

Wesburn. CLOSED

A small band of practitioners which have done a wonderful job. They have massaged in excess or 150 personnel. Many thanks to all . Special thanks to Katherine whom will remained unnamed.

Healesville. CLOSED

This site is now closed and Bernie misses everyone.
Therapist have received flower,cards,much thanks including flashing lights & sirens.
Go Healesville Team……. apern09@yahoo.com.au
Contact details: Bernie Sullivan 0403 588 945 bernie@yvn.com.au
and Kathy Brown 0410 867 337 brown_holmes@optusnet.com.au

Woori Yallock

Woori Yallock is being coordinated by Judy Cousins and will close this Saturday.. The team there are to be congratulated for their massive efforts. They were there at the beginning and will be there to the end.
Contact details: Judy Cousins 5964 7004 or 0439 042 265
judy.cousins@tsn.cc or apern09@yahoo.com.au


Last weekend a group massaged Survivors at the Bullara Folk Festival. Contact the secretary Samantha Brick on 0427824722 18 therapists attended and provided over 90 massages. Well done folks. A Volunteers day is being planned in the not too distant future.

Massage for Survivors and Volunteers =
17 Hoyle Street, Morwell.
Saturday 14th March, 2009
Therapists required. 9am to 6pm working in 3 hr blocks.
Contact Jeff Robinson 0438070144.


Angela Palmer, local Kinglake Chinese Medicine Practitioner has been coordinating a volunteer response to residents & volunteers in Kinglake since 22nd February 2009. This response has been assisted by Angela Anderson, Ruth Marr & Rob Moore who initially provided treatments & coordinated rosters. Angela received many offers of assistance from volunteers responding to emails put out by other Kinglake local practitioners asking for help in her clinic. The volunteer response has run for two weeks with two to four volunteers providing a range of therapies including massage, osteopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, healing. The volunteers have been via APERN & local sources. With our assistance Angela was able to focus on getting her own business running & began treating again at the beginning of the second week. Angela is planning to continue the volunteer response until the end of March with two volunteers per day. She has a comprehensive list of volunteers to draw upon and is managing the roster with some assistance from a local practitioner. Angela has also organised for meditation groups & counselling to be available to residents in April, at her clinic, as the need for support changes.
Angela is still seeking support from APERN for practical things and will liaise with Rob Moore for these things. Angela Anderson is happy to remain in contact with Angela over the next few weeks to review how the response is meeting the needs of local residents and discuss the possible need for longer term responses for the community. Contact apern09@yahoo.com.au

Kinglake West

Rhonda McGibney a local Myotherapist has been coordinating a response to the local people of Kinglake West & Flowerdale. This is running from her home in Kinglake West (her usual place of business). Angela Anderson has been coordinating the roster for this response and both APERN & local volunteers have been utilised. One to two APERN volunteers per day have been providing massage alongside other local practitioners providing Bowen therapy, holistic counselling, Kinesiology. Rhonda is having a break over the next week while attending some training in Adelaide and plans to continue the response upon her return. At this stage she is unsure how long she will continue. Angela Anderson & Lyn Mulhearn (5th year chiro student) are able to continue to support Rhonda with the roster and other basic support at this stage. The idea of establishing a medium to long term community response to the residents in the area has been briefly touched on with Rhonda & Angela Palmer but no planning has begun.


Community Clinic Needed

Please contact APERN hotline if your interested in going to Flowerdale to set up a small weekly community clinic. Flowerdale residents are feeling left out and under resourced. Help is needed. Contact Vesna and
Julie Bateman 0418 589 072 julie.bateman67@bigpond.com


Contact Details Mary Cardwell. 54 4445005
Go Bendigo team, let us know if you need anything.


Holmesglen TAFE were ready to deploy Students & Staff for a 2 day clinic, however a phone call from the ICC cancelled that site. Thankyou Holmesglen Tafe for your efforts.


Nothing happened in Yea that we know of.

Contact details: If you know anything please tell us.

Kangaroo Ground Incident Command Centre. CLOSED

This site is closed thank to those wonderful Therapist whom where involved.
Contact Details Rickie Nuske 0409 953 950 apern09@yahoo.com.au

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